Let’s Work Together

Are you looking to hire a trusted UK travel blogger?

I began blogging as a hobby in in 2010 and it became my career in 2012. Since then I’ve been a full-time travel blogger and content creator and am considered one of the top travel bloggers in the UK.

I’ve worked in-house for a global travel agency as their content and social media manager and consulted for travel and tourism brands on a freelance basis. I’ve travelled to 60+ countries & written at least 1 story about each of them.

Since winning a British Travel Press Award in 2011, I’ve been considered a leading travel blogger in the UK. I’ve partnered with travel brands and publications ranging from Lonely Planet to Skyscanner, and worked with numerous tourism boards and travel organisations, including Jet2, Tui, Gran Melia Hotels and Chateau Les Carrasses, most recently.

If you’d like to partner on a blogging campaign or learn more about my freelance writing, please get in touch by emailing jayneytravels(at)gmail.com.


My readers are mainly females aged 25 to 45 who are responsible for making travel decisions in their household. Approximately 70% of my audience are families but my content influences travellers without children too.

Google Analytics reveal my audience are interested in home decor, travel & books and that they like to stay abreast of news in the travel industry.

Long-term readers tell me they relate to the down-to-earth advice and authentic voice of my blog. They often tag me in photos of their holidays to demonstrate how I influenced their trips.

Please get in touch via the email above if you’d like a copy of my media kit and latest stats.

A Few Career Highlights

✔ Winning Travel Blogger of The Year at The British Travel Press Awards 2011 (the first time a travel blogger award had been added to the listing) and being a finalist for the same award in 2013 and 2016

✔ Winning Best Travel Blog at the Cosmo Blog Awards 2013

✔ Managing the content and community team at Flight Centre UK (a job I wouldn’t have got without showing them this blog)

✔ Receiving emails from readers saying I have inspired their travels and/or careers

✔ Co-hosting Twitter chats with Lonely Planet (and their 3.3 million followers!)

✔ Speaking about blogging at events including the World Travel Market in London

✔ Blogging my way around 40 different countries before my 30th birthday

✔ Becoming a member of the Australian Society Of Travel Writers in 2016 and a finalist for best travel blog at their Awards For Excellence in Cape Town

✔ Oh and that time my face was on a tweet by Richard Branson!

What People Say About Me

“Jayne has been a pioneer in the travel blogger arena, and she has the well deserved awards to prove it. Most importantly, from the very beginning the authenticity, brilliant writing and lateral thought in dealing with travel partners is what have set her apart. As a PR, many are particularly grateful for her work in linking brands and bloggers and forging a greater understanding of really effective ways to work together and to understand how best to participate in digital projects. I’ve worked with Jayne on two such projects, and apart from their great success, it’s her mix of professionalism, expertise and fun that leaves me (and many others) looking for the next reason to work with her again. Her digital knowledge apart from her hugely successful blog is an area that many brands have tapped into, and there’s doubt the consultancy side of her services will continue to grow. The advice and creative for digital and social strategy Jayne can give to brands is often game changing. Simple to her, invaluable to those she works with!”

(Karen Lehane, Owner at Tippett PR)

Let’s Talk

If you would like to reach an engaged audience we should chat.

Some of the services I offer are:

Brand Ambassadorships
Content creation
Product reviews
Blog trips

Whether you want to discuss partnerships, advertising, press trips or more, please get in touch.

2 thoughts on “Let’s Work Together”

  1. Jayne,

    I am writing a children’s book about penguins on Phillip Island. Your website has an excellent explanation of the arrangement for viewing the Penguin Parade. I would like to reference your site in the introduction to the book.

    My blog is unrelated to the book, but you’re welcome to visit.



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