My 7 Biggest Fails In 7 Years Of Travel Blogging

My 7 Biggest Fails In 7 Years Of Travel Blogging

In January 2017 it was my 7 year blogging anniversary. 7 years?! I have never stuck at anything for 7 years accept going to school and that was mandatory. When I started putting words to WordPress in January 2010 I never believed I would still be doing it 7 years later – let alone making … Read more

Where To Go In Thailand: 5 Best Quiet & Unspoiled Islands

Tips For Travelling To Khao Lak, Thailand

Khao Lak is quite different to any other Thailand beach resort I’ve been to. The name Khao Lak actually refers to 20km coastal region that is broken up into 3 small centres and joined by a large motorway that runs all the way to Bangkok. A range of mid to high-end resorts are dispersed along … Read more

Stylish & Unique Destination Wedding Ideas

Since Justin surprised with me a romantic proposal during our trip to Thailand for my 30th birthday, I’ve been casually doing a little research into different types of destination wedding. Whilst we’ve not made a decision on what is best for us (more on that conundrum another time) I thought I would share some of my … Read more

Review: Alila Ubud, Bali

I dreamed of this. I looked down at the pool, the mist rolling off the valley, the reflection of the clouds in the water and thought I’d just stepped into a dream. I first came across Alila Ubud while researching destination wedding venues last year. Although, for purely logistical reasons, we decided the hotel wasn’t … Read more

Best things to do on a Maldives honeymoon

The Best Things To Do On A Maldives Honeymoon

Believe it or not my lovely new hubby was not immediately sold when I first floated the idea of honeymooning in the Maldives. “But what is there to do in the Maldives?” he innocently asked. Aside from the fact that after all the prep and stress of hosting a destination wedding my ideal honeymoon involved … Read more

My TV & Film Inspired Travel Bucket List

Earlier this year I vowed to see more of Australia and ended up having an incredible time in 2015 exploring the middle and edges of this diverse and fascinating country. 2016 is set to be a big year of overseas travel for me though. To start with I’ll be seeing in the new year in … Read more