I’ll admit even I who loves a good Instagram fad had my doubts about the concept of coffee in a cone. I can barely eat gelato in a cone without wearing most of it so how on earth does a cup of coffee work?
Well doubters – it does. And it’s bloomin’ delicious to boot.
The creators of this chocolate-laced, Insta-worthy way to consume coffee are The Grind Coffee Company based in Melrose Arch, Johannesburg. Apparently it took a lot of trial and error to get the cone just right but as of January this year they nailed it.
You can order either a Cappuccino or Espresso in the chocolate-lined waffle cones and have about 10 minutes to neck the amber nectar before the chocolate starts to melt. You get a hint of choccie on the lips as you sip though and obviously get to crunch on the cone once you’re done with the coffee.
Obligatory Insta selfie
Aside from being a fun way to consume coffee it’s environmentally friendly too. Think of how much less waste there is by consuming your coffee cup!

I had a very quick chat to the genius behind this invention, Dayne Levinrad, whilst in Johannesburg and it turns out he’s a massive fan of Australia. When I queried on Facebook how long it will be until #coffeeinacone arrives in Oz someone replied on behalf of the brand saying it will be on our shores in a couple of weeks.
You heard it here first peeps! Keep an eye on the Coffee In A Cone Facebook and Instagram pages for details.
Erm….can we get this in London now!
I know right! It’s like your coffee and a sweet treat in one and there’s zero waste. What’s not to like really…
Oh well, that looks so trendy yet so delicious!